Tuesday, September 27, 2011

20,000 SurfaceTo Air Missiles Missing In Libya


My dear readers I want to share with you a story that I just picked up on the Huffington Post. Some 20,000 shoulder-fired surface to air missile from the Libyan arsenals are missing. One of these missiles could be used to shoot down an airliner full of people. US officials said in the past that it was highly unlikely that these missiles could fall into the hands of terrorists. They have now said that it is highly-likely that such missiles could fall into the hands of terrorists. All of us who fly should be aware of this. Senator Barbara Boxer is fighting to get legislation passed that would require military-type missile counter measures to be installed on each civilian airlines at a cost of $1 million US per airlines. The total cost of the program would be $6 billion US dollars.
Colonel Gadhafi also has a supply of mustard gas. This same gas was used in World War I and when Iraq and Iran went to war.
I also wonder if the mad colonel has some enriched uranium left.

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